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A Powerful Reflection From The Yes23 Campaigner

Indigenous Voice to Parliament: Rachel Perkins Reflects on the Journey

A Powerful Reflection from the Yes23 Campaigner

In the wake of the referendum's outcome, Yes23 co-chair Rachel Perkins has penned a thought-provoking statement.

Following the resounding defeat of the Yes23 campaign, renowned filmmaker Rachel Perkins took to social media to share her reflections. Perkins, a staunch advocate for the Indigenous voice to Parliament, expressed her disappointment while acknowledging the efforts of those who opposed the proposal.

Perkins believes that the result reflects the deep divisions within Australian society, but she remains hopeful that the conversation will continue. She emphasized the importance of the Uluru Statement from the Heart, which called for a constitutionally enshrined Indigenous voice, and urged Australians to continue engaging with the issue.
